Drive to Our Meet-ups the Easy Way
Just select Mobile Directions and you're on your way!
1. Launch the “Safari” app on your phone.
2. Open the website or web page you want to pin to your home screen. Dare I suggest jackswalkaboutclub.com?
3. Tap the SHARE button (probably at
the botton of the screen). See here:
4. Scroll down.
5. Tap “Add to Home Screen.”
6. Our icon will be added to your iPad’s desktop.
1. Launch the “Chrome” app.
2. Open the website or web page you want to pin to your home screen. Dare I suggest jackswalkaboutclub.com?
3. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner)
4. Tap "Add to Home Screen."
5. Chrome will add the website it to your home screen.

Put directions directly on your phone.

2. Go to our website:
Select the NEXT HIKE tab at the top
2. Go to our website:
Select the NEXT HIKE tab at the top